The Valentine Project

Spreading Love, Hope, & Joy to families

impacted by pediatric cancer and chronic illness

~Since 2010~

Who We Serve

The Valentine Project serves families facing life-altering diagnoses. We know cancer and chronic illnesses are complex and impact the entire family. This is why we uniquely include siblings.

How We Serve

Every year, we ensure the children on our list receive a special package and Kindness Cards right at home. Stigma is removed, as their love packages are separate from encompassing diagnoses.

Smiling women holding cards made for sick children for Kindness Card Program for Valentine's Day

Why We Need You

Often, families can feel isolated and stigmatized. You can step in to ensure each child and sibling feels nothing but love with each package and card. These moments truly have lasting positive impacts.

“Sometimes when you're in the middle of just get run's a lot. But then that package got delivered, and it was the pick me up. The refuel for me as the parent.

There are good people in this world...They're there you just can't see them sometimes.”

bee, insect, flower-8307367.jpg

-Mom of one chronic illness kiddo and three siblings

Make Valentine's Day Magical

Designate Donations

Raised $0
Goal $5,000.00

Become A Book Buddy

Raised $0
Goal $6,300.00

Sponsor Shipping & Handling

Joining hands with The Valentine Project on a regular basis is easy, and the impact is priceless. Your regular support means our list of children will continue to grow, and our ability to serve will expand to new states. This means more joy in the hands of more children.  Click here to donate today.

Sponsoring a child for their Valentine Package is equivalent to around $50. We rely on supporters just like you to send these kiddos gifts that will brighten their day. You may donate in monetary increments equivalent to the number of children you wish to sponsor, or you may reach out directly to choose a child. Click here to become a Valentine today!

Sending pure love and joy is now as fun and easy as creating a thoughtful or silly card! Our kiddos love to receive these cards. We’d be happy to show you examples or help you plan a Kindness Card Party of your own! Click to join 

If you would like your child(ren) to receive a Valentine Package and/or Kindness Cards, we would LOVE to have you! Click here to sign up online today.

The Valentine Project’s Corporate Sponsors

Serving Children From The Following Hospitals

The Valentine Project is committed to making sure each child on our list knows they are loved and cherished. We recognize a serious diagnosis affects the entire family, so siblings are included in our outreach. Individuals from around the world are eager to sign up to be your child’s Valentine. Valentines are anyone that donates to send a personalized package of love, and that’s how we send smiles across the miles! Register today and let The Valentine Project send a little love your way.