Families navigating pediatric cancer or chronic illness diagnoses for their child(ren) face stress, heartbreak and new situations those outside may not understand. Often, we may wonder how to help, what to say or how to send love. When you become a Valentine, you sponsor a package and send love and smiles straight to these families right when they need it. The Valentine Project steps in on your behalf. Our mission is to spread love, hope, and joy by sending packages brimming with loads of love and smiles, zero stigma attached.
Each child will receive a Personalized Package of Love from their special Valentine (you!). The Valentine Project handles everything for you and the family receiving the package! To fully cover a package as a Valentine, we ask for a donation of $50 for each child you sponsor.
Sponsoring a Valentine package is a powerful way to show your support and make a tangible impact. Your generosity reaches beyond the patient to include siblings, who are often overlooked but equally affected by the challenges of illness within the family. Each dollar donated directly enhances the care and quality of the Personalized Packages of Love, allowing us to reach more children each year. By becoming a Valentine, you help spread love across the miles, ensuring that every child knows they are seen, valued, and supported.