Follow These Simple Steps to Prepare the Perfect Valentine Package!

1. Have fun shopping for new age-appropriate toys, gifts, puzzles, and candy … anything you think would warm a child’s heart!

Watch the total weight, though, and keep the entire package under 8 pounds.

Please leave all candy and gifts in their original packaging. Since we inspect all incoming packages, please do not wrap gift items.

You may put gifts inside a recyclable bag or deliver them in a box as illustrated.

Remember to include a completed gift tag inside each package. 

Add the gift tag to both the inside and outside of that container when shipping or delivering your gift package. When we receive your box at The Valentine Project, we will ensure all items are age appropriate before placing the gifts you so carefully selected into a pillowcase, made by our very own Pillowcase Partners, and thenb into the appropriate size box for shipping.

Please include $10 per child. Cash, or a check made payable to The Valentine Project can be placed inside the package. Other options include Venmo @thevalentineproject or click here to donate via PayPal. These funds are essential in helping offset shipping costs.

Add the gift tag to both the inside and outside of that container when shipping or delivering your gift package

Refer to the email you received from [email protected] that lists the child/children you selected.

2. Print and fill in The Valentine Project Gift Box tags, or make your own.

You will need two (2) tags per child. Use the information provided in the email in Step 1.

One tag should be placed inside your package and one on the outside of package. That way, the gifts you so carefully selected will be delivered to the child you chose!

3. IF YOU ARE SHIPPING your Valentine Gifts, place them in a box along with a completed gift tag.  If you have created Gift Packages for multiple children, you can place them in the same shipping box, but be sure each child’s gifts are in a separate package and labeled appropriately.  Include $10/child to help with shipping costs. Secure a completed gift tag on the outside of the shipping box for each child.


IF YOU ARE DROPPING OFF your Valentine Gifts, you may deliver the gifts in a box or any recyclable container with your gift tag attached to the inside AND outside of each package.  Please note: drop off locations are for children in that state only.

Please make sure each Valentine Gift Package you create for an individual child will fit inside a shipping box, provided by The Valentine Project,no larger than 20″ x 12″ x 9.” This is the maximum size The Valentine Project can accommodate when shipping each Gift Box to a child. Gift items you send will be placed in a beautiful pillowcase, made by our very own Pillowcase Partners, then securely packed in a box for shipping.

  • Please leave all of the items unwrapped and consider using a recyclable bag or container for your items, tied with a loose knot at the top. Add the gift tag to both the inside and outside of that container for delivery when shipping or delivering your gift package.  When we receive your box at The Valentine Project, we will ensure all items are age appropriate before placing the gifts you so carefully selected into a pillowcase, made by our very own Pillowcase Partners, and then into  the appropriate size box for shipping.


  • Packages are shipped for delivery by Valentine’s Day.  Each child in the home will find a box addressed to them on their doorstep.  That’s when the magic begins!

4. If mailing your box, when you are finished packing, seal your box. Then, click the state where your child lives to download and print the shipping/delivery label for The Valentine Project: Ohio or California

Choose and cut out the label you like best and tape it to the outside of the box. 

Hand deliver your package to The Valentine Project Ohio Headquarters or San Francisco location or arrange delivery with the United States Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, or another carrier.

Your selected child/children’s heart will fill with love, hope and joy when they receive your Valentine Gift Box!